Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blog Post #2

            The research team in the Virginia tech's college of engineering is attempting to find a solution to the fighter jet. The problem they proposed is that these fighter jets have huge negative impact on the ear due to the noise it produces. This project is going to attempt to solve the problem by reducing the jet's engine noise. Due to the importance of this project, NASA is partially funding this project.
            To illustrate the issue, the author compares the sound frequency by the jet and a lawnmower. He stated "tactical aircraft can reach 150 decibels on the flight line as sailors and Marines prepare fighters and other aircraft for launching. Comparatively, a lawnmower typically produces noise levels of 90 decibels." (Virginia tech, 2013) By this analogy, the audience is able to understand the importance of the quandary. This project is intended to look after the citizens, who put their hearing on the line by being on the aircraft board.  "However, the issue with the jets do not only affect citizens as an individual but they do pollute the cities with their noise." (Virginia tech, 2013).
            This result of this research will have a huge impact on the future of aircrafts and its users. Since this project is intend to prevent the engine from producing high level frequency sounds, citizens who are associated with aircrafts will not have to sacrifice their hearing in the long term. Although I discussed an article and not a blog, the author seems to be concerned with informing the public of what is to be accomplished. Also, publishing the news to the public may result in getting more funding for the project. After reading this professional engineering article, I can say that it has benefited me to realize my educational plans. Currently am studying civil engineering and I have been interested in mechanical engineering for quite a bit. Now that I read the article, am concerned whether or not should I engage in a mechanical workshop. Doing so will allow me to physically understand what these researchers are doing and whether or not I would like to pursue a career in mechanical engineering.         

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Blog Post #1

              Welcome to Muhamed Muhamed's blog. My blog will consist of posts discussing controversial topics in which I will propose my personal views upon them. This blog is  part of my technical writing college course, therefore topics that fall under that category will be open for discussion. During high school, I studied architecture. Am currently a student at LaGuardia Community College studying civil engineering. I sure do hope to complete my bachelor in city college. I plan to then do my masters in construction management. If all goes right, then I could have my masters completed by age twenty four. Later, I can start my PH.D in architecture. I assume it is a good idea to study different aspects of engineering for a couple or reasons. It will make me perceive engineering differently and also open minded on other aspects of my work.
             I can say that I consider myself very familiar with technology. Even though, am not into programming or web design but I would like to study them. They seem very interesting and it would be mind blowing to understand how the apps and websites we use are made. There is a few courses that am interested in, such as C++ because its programming and everything nowadays is linked to computers. I think most people in the united states share my views on technology. For instance, not everyone knows how to design web or program. However, they do use computers, smart phones, etc. They know the basic way of getting around on the internet and such yet they would like to understand how websites are made and experience making one. I do not entirely enjoy reading nor writing. The only book I completely read and liked from beginning to end was The Kite Runner. The only writing I do regularly is texting, beside school work.